MN Parks
Grand Portage State Park
Today |
Weather |
Partly cloudy throughout the day with late afternoon snow.
Max temperature | 24 degrees | |
Feels-like max | 16 degrees | |
Chance of precipitation (Snow) | 66% | |
Precipitation amount | 0.18 inches | |
Cloud cover | 77% | |
Max wind speed | 7 mph | |
Air quality | Good | |
Last 2 days precipitation | 0.01 inches | |
Weather alerts | None |
Park alerts |
No current alerts.
Seasonal |
Snow depth (inches) | 1.2 |
Tomorrow |
Weather |
Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of snow throughout the day.
Max temperature | 25 degrees | |
Feels-like max | 15 degrees | |
Chance of precipitation (Snow) | 87% | |
Precipitation amount | 0.24 inches | |
Cloud cover | 92% | |
Max wind speed | 17 mph | |
Air quality | Good | |
Last 2 days precipitation | 0.18 inches |
Park alerts |
No current alerts.
Seasonal |
Snow depth (inches) | 6.7 | |
Park details |
Grand Portage, MN |
Visit the park's website |
Directions |
Today's sunrise is 7:45 a.m. and today's sunset is 4:28 p.m.